The Redwater Fitness Centre plan to work in conjunction with corporate partners and volunteers to create a successful non profit organization. Our ask from the corporate partners comes in two stages.  The first stage is designed to raise the funds necessary to see the completion of the initial renovations and upgrades that are necessary to this existing facility.  These renovations include; building of showers and modifications to existing washrooms, electrical work to operate a variety of fitness equipment, security system / swipe card access systems, new floorings in both rooms of the fitness centre (hardwood/ rubber composite), exterior / interior lighting, doorway & wall modifications are the core of the major items requiring upgrades.  Electronics /Sound systems, Engineering, underwriting costs will also come into play.   Also, the initial lease and installation of the fitness equipment has been factored into this formula so that of the fitness centre is ready to operate as soon as practical.  Our estimates are based on contractor quotes and product sourcing, this realistically brings us in the range of $200-250,000.  This allows us to get the work done right, by the right people.

The second stage of our plan is a complimentary longer term approach helping to ensure the stability and long term success of the RFC.  The reality is that we are a non-profit facility that would have to solely rely upon membership fee to sustain itself.  So to alleviate the strain of ensuring adequate overhead is constant, we designed an innovative new strategy to do so. 

Plan: Longer term sponsorship incentive with a 5-10 year commitment .

eg. $5,000 a year X 15-20 Sponsors (Gold Members)* = Solid Financial Baseline Annually.  

This unique strategy is less intrusive to our corporate sponsors and allows the RFC to primarily direct these funds towards our biggest expense the lease and maintenance contracts of the fitness equipment.     

Making social impact requires innovative thinking, not just in terms of developing a new service but also in organizational structures and mechanisms for raising capital.

Initial facility enhancement program to ensure necessary renovations to existing facility are completed.  As well as a long termfinancial business model toensure the long term stability of this not-for profitfitness organization.

The most important part of this objective is to start with the mission, then adopting a structure that allows usto achieve it.   The RFC will benefit the Town of Redwater and the entire region.     

Proposed Floor plan

Proposed Floor plan