YOBUKAN (Justin Rybie) Kickboxing Instructor

Sensei Rybie has earned the rank of Godan (5th degree black belt), and the title of Shihan (Master Teacher), and has over 30 years experience. Sensei Rybie has been very involved in the karate community both nationally and internationally.


Ages 16+ with Sensei Justin Rybie @ YOBUKAN (sponsored by Nutrien)

TUESDAYS 8:30pm - 9:30pm Jan 23 - Feb 27, 2024 March 5 - Apr 9, 2024 April 16 - May 21, 2024 May 28 - July 2, 2024 Next Classes TBA

TUESDAY MORNING CLASSES from 6am - 7am (at least 6 students req’d) Let us know if you are interested.

FRIDAY EVENINGS from 8:30pm - 9:30pm (at least 6 students req’d). Let us know if you are interested.

Call / Text: 780-991-5882


Check out our photo gallery below from our classes 2023 / 2024 or select “GALLERY” from our drop down menu above.

A huge THANK YOU to Nutrien for supporting our Kickboxing program in the 2023 and 2024 season. The RFC is truly grateful & appreciates all you do for our community.